(Theory) Data Structure & Algorithm

(Theory) Data Structure & Algorithm


1 min read

1. Data Structure v/s Algorithm

AspectData StructureAlgorithm
DefinitionA way of organizing and storing data efficiently.A step-by-step procedure or set of instructions.
PurposeProvides a means to manage and manipulate data.Defines how data is processed to solve a problem.
ExampleArrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, etc.Searching algorithms, sorting algorithms, etc.
OperationsInsertion, deletion, searching, traversal, etc.Searching, sorting, traversing, modifying, etc.
EfficiencyEfficiency depends on the chosen data structure.Efficiency depends on the chosen algorithm.
RelationshipAlgorithms operate on data structures.Algorithms manipulate data within data structures.
ImportanceProvides efficient storage and retrieval of data.Determines the efficiency and performance of a program.
UsageUsed in designing and implementing software systems.Used in problem-solving and optimization tasks.
